European Collaboration Summit, 26-28 May 2025, Düsseldorf/Germany

75% Sold Out

Meet business leaders and tech visionaries

Top business leaders and tech visionaries from all over the world are joining the European Collaboration Summit. This event gives you the chance to hear from industry experts, network with senior leaders, and learn how to create winning strategies to succeed in the field of modern work. You will make many interesting connections who may become your future customers or partners.

Martina Grom

Martina Grom

Austria, CEO Atwork, Microsoft Regional Director

Marc Anderson

Marc Anderson

USA, President Sympraxis Consulting, Microsoft MVP

Maarten Eekels

Maarten Eekels

Netherlands, CTO Rapid Circle, Microsoft Regional Director

Mike Fitzmaurice

Mike Fitzmaurice

Canada, Vice-President WEBCON

Meet more than 75 sponsors and exhibitors

The European Collaboration Summit offers a unique opportunity for our sponsors to present their product and services to a European audience, and to reach new partners and customers. At the same time, attendees get the chance to find out first-hand how new and emerging collaboration technologies can be used today, what the best practices are, and what products and services can further improve their business. The European Collaboration Summit expo hall with more than 75 exhibition boots is a “melting” pot which brings together business, deciders, doers and visionaries.

Meet 3000+ attendees from all over Europe

European Collaboration Summit attendees work for the major European companies and organisations. Of these, 50% come from the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), 20% from the Benelux region (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg), 10% from the UK, 10% from the Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland), and 10% from other European countries. Moreover, 60% of attendees have a business role (CXOs, managers, business users) and 40% are techies (architects, developers, IT professionals).

The world leading companies attend CollabSummit

The European Collaboration Summit, the world's largest Microsoft 365 conference, draws big companies each year. These leading businesses send their top people, including executives and IT professionals, to learn, share ideas, and take part in various events like tutorials, sessions, and panel discussions. At the CollabSummit, they are broadening their knowledge and expanding their business network. CollabSummit is more than just a conference; it's a vital chance for these top companies to sync up with Microsoft's latest plans and visions. In doing so, they make sure they stay ahead in a tech world that's always changing.